Neck muscle pain is certainly the most prevalent type of acute and chronic symptom suffered by countless poor souls each year. The neck muscles work closely with those of the upper back, shoulders and upper arms and are notoriously susceptible to agonizing attacks of misery due to both anatomical and ischemic sources. When we hear the diagnosis of chronic muscle pain in the neck, we rarely think structural causative issue. Instead, we usually see the simple truth that most of these soft tissue conditions are tension-induced and therefore very resistant to the usual neck pain treatment modalities. Maybe this might help explain why almost all muscle pain therapies fail to provide a lasting cure.
This resource section profiles muscular neck pain symptoms, including their many structural and nonstructural causes.
Investigating Neck Muscle Pain
Here are the muscle pain topics that we have written about in order to provide all of you with some much needed information on this epidemic cervical condition:
A neck muscle spasm is a dreaded event in which the musculature of the cervical region tightens painfully and uncontrollably, bringing on a truly terrifying and torturous set of symptoms.
Wry neck can cause muscular spasms in some cases, but always enacts atypical head tilt, also known as torticollis.
Painful neck muscles which continue to hurt chronically or recurrently rarely come from an injury or a structural spinal issue.
Tight neck muscles describe soft tissue in the neck which feel hard and unyielding to touch. Tightness is unbelievably uncomfortable in the neck.
Tense neck muscles may be tight physically, but also hold a certain underlying emotional or psychological tension which is often related to charged or repressed psychoemotional issues.
A stiff neck can come from injury, degeneration or chronic nonstructural complaints. Stiffness in the neck can be structural or functional in nature.
Stiff muscles in neck may be just what they seem or may be more involved than they first appear. Many neck issues can be related to widespread muscular concerns in the back or even in the entire anatomy.
A sore neck is a general term for the multiple varieties of neck pain.
Neck pain and stiffness is a very common two-fisted punch, offering both torment and tightness at the same time. This is double dose of pain is very common in the back and neck pain sector.
A pulled neck muscle is a colloquial term for a minor injury in the neck soft tissues, also commonly called a neck sprain or neck strain.
A swollen neck can come from inflammatory injury, as well as viral or bacterial contamination, glandular concerns or other disease process. Idiopathic swelling should always be investigated by a doctor ASAP.
Fibromyalgia neck and shoulder pain is one of the most common sources of widespread muscular symptoms in the region.
Muscular Pain Experiences
I have been known to suffer with recurrent neck muscle pain throughout much of my life. I always attributed these events to injuries incurred during my beloved martial arts training, although now, I see the truth that some were ischemic expressions of internalized anger, fear and other sensitive emotions. Being that my main misery existed in my lower back, I was never too frightened of these apparent neck injuries and therefore they dissipated quickly. Now, studying my cervical MRIs and seeing that every disc is herniated, I am not surprised that my body chose the neck as a location for many attacks to take place. After all, an anatomical scapegoat always provides a more convincing cover for the tension myositis process to work oh so well.
Neck Muscle Pain Guidance
We all get occasional tightness and pain in our necks, often in combination with tension headaches in the base of the head. Stress is mainly to blame and it does not take a genius to figure this out. When do these events take place? They usually occur in times of monumental conscious stress or during periods of great emotional suppression or repression.
For patients with recurrent or chronic muscle pain in the neck, we always suggest considering the very likely explanation of a nonstructural causative process. Remember, medical treatment for muscular pain is virtually never effective anyway. It is an unfortunate reality that many patients with enduring muscular symptoms are labeled with fibromyalgia, which is a damning diagnosis leading to chronic pain, often for life.
Neck muscle pain of a chronic nature is difficult for the traditional medical establishment to cure. However, our proprietary Cure Back Pain Forever Program can make short work of the job, ending pain for good. Best of all, you can get help immediately any time of day or night, from anywhere in the world.